Book cover with the title "Yes, You Matter... Your Purpose Awaits You!" by Rolland B. It features an American flag against a dramatic sky and questions about one's purpose.

Yes, You Matter … Your Purpose Awaits You!

Are you blooming where you are planted?
What gift were you born to give? What were you born to do? What is your purpose?
If you are a teenager or young adult, this book was written for you. If you are on a quest for life’s purpose, this book is a self-help guide outlining practical steps you can use to find and crystallize your life's true purpose, so you can bloom where you are planted, sooner rather than later!

Book cover with the title "Yes, You Matter... Your Purpose Awaits You!" by Rolland B. It features an American flag against a dramatic sky and questions about one's purpose.
Front and back cover view of the book "Revolt Against The K-12 Status Quo" by Rolland B, featuring American flags and a subtitle advocating for education reform.

Revolt Against the K-12 Status QUO

This book shines a spotlight on an open secret: the vast disparities among the 50 states in funding and spending on public K–12 education.
How is it, how was it, that in a country where the Fourteenth Amendment proclaims EQUAL PROTECTION under the law, we have condoned such long-running disparities... disparities that are unjust as they are inequitable?
The author contends that society’s inattentive embrace of these disparities must end. It’s time for a ‘revolt’ against the K–12 status quo. The sooner it happens, the better it will be for American democracy.

Front and back cover view of the book "Revolt Against The K-12 Status Quo" by Rolland B, featuring American flags and a subtitle advocating for education reform.
A book cover titled "School Boards & American Democracy" features the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. flag, and the Constitution's preamble. The background image on the right shows children in a classroom.

School Boards & American Democracy

This book shines a spotlight on the last outposts of local control: America’s school boards. In this book, the author points out that running for and serving on the school board could be the adventure of your lifetime, suggesting that school board service comes with an unparalleled psychic side benefit: satisfaction from knowing that – if you do your job well – your impact will affect eternity. At the end of your term, you could discover that your participation, though confined to the local level, will have effectively strengthened American democracy.

A book cover titled "School Boards & American Democracy" features the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. flag, and the Constitution's preamble. The background image on the right shows children in a classroom.
Front and back cover of the book "Poverty of the Mind" by Rolland B, featuring a mountain landscape and a headshot of the author on the back cover.

Poverty of the Mind In The Land Of The Free

This book is a rebuke, a reprimand, against the impoverished minds inhabiting the nation’s political landscape and putting American democracy on shaky grounds. The author argues that the antidote to this epidemic of impoverished minds is a renaissance in TRUTH education. It’ll take time. But, the author claims, it’s a sacred mission American society and the K-12 education system cannot afford not to begin.

Front and back cover of the book "Poverty of the Mind" by Rolland B, featuring a mountain landscape and a headshot of the author on the back cover.
A book titled "The Case for Values Education" with an American flag on the cover. Two hands hold a document labeled "We the People." The back cover displays text about the contents and the author.

The Case for Values Education

This book is a summons to action on the part of America’s school boards, a clarion call for a K–12 curriculum that has education at its base, education in CORE DEMOCRATIC VALUES. More than ever, the need for education in civics across America’s public schools has never been more critical for the fortification of American democracy.

A book titled "The Case for Values Education" with an American flag on the cover. Two hands hold a document labeled "We the People." The back cover displays text about the contents and the author.
Front and back covers of a book titled "Democracy Forever!" by Rolland B, featuring the Statue of Liberty and the American flag. The back cover includes a photo of the author and brief descriptions of the book and author.


The purpose of this book is to rekindle – if that’s even possible – Abraham Lincoln’s fervent hope for an everlasting democracy, which he expressed in his immortal Gettysburg Address.
This book outlines a layman’s prescription for what ails American democracy and calls on America’s school boards to re-examine their school districts’ respective Mission Statements … and resolve the all-important question, ‘What’s the purpose of education?’

Front and back covers of a book titled "Democracy Forever!" by Rolland B, featuring the Statue of Liberty and the American flag. The back cover includes a photo of the author and brief descriptions of the book and author.
A book cover titled "Educated Derelicts & Renegades" by Rolland B with photos of various people and flags in the background. Back cover includes the author's bio and a summary of the book.

Educated Derelicts & Renegades

This book is a common man’s indictment of the insurrectionists and their promoters for their unprecedented attack on the citadel of American democracy and their brazen attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.

A book cover titled "Educated Derelicts & Renegades" by Rolland B with photos of various people and flags in the background. Back cover includes the author's bio and a summary of the book.
Book cover showing two men shaking hands under the title "Shall the Dream Die? Never!" by Rolland B.

Shall The Dream Die? Never!

This book is a nostalgic look at the liberal causes championed by the late Sen. Edward ‘Ted’ Kennedy. A tribute to that rare public servant who was born into wealth but who devoted his life to one of exemplary public service to the nation, especially the less privileged and less fortunate masses.

Book cover showing two men shaking hands under the title "Shall the Dream Die? Never!" by Rolland B.
Black and white portrait of a smiling man wearing glasses, a suit jacket, and a tie.

Rolland B

Rolland B brings a deep understanding of the burdens of school board service, having served for eight years as an at-large member of the Board of Education of Rowland Unified School District – with close to 20,000 K–12 students at that time, housed in three high schools, three intermediate schools, fifteen elementary schools, and an adult school – covering all of Rowland Heights and portions of the cities of Walnut, West Covina, and La Puente, in Los Angeles County, California.

Rolland’s Purpose

Rolland’s purpose is twofold: To beat the drums for American democracy and to help school boards REGAIN, ATTAIN, and MAINTAIN their maximum effectiveness. Let him explain.

More than ten years ago, Rolland B. retired from his CPA practice and specialized in financial and compliance audits of California school districts and other local educational agencies.

Rolland should have just sailed into the sunset, but... in retirement, he felt compelled to do one more mission – a cause with a slight hint of nobility of purpose.

After much time for introspection, during the pandemic, Rolland discovered his late-in-life calling: To beat the drums for American democracy – through his long-deferred books, his blog posts, and his public speaking. Rolland believes this is his destiny. In his heart of heart – Shakespeare’s Hamlet does not say “in my heart of hearts,” but “in my heart of heart”—Rolland believes that beating the drums for American democracy is the gift he was born to give.

And so it is that in spite of serious health issues, in the twilight of his life – after toiling for three decades in the vineyards of public K–12 education – Rolland has been writing furiously a few books on the twin topics of public K-12 education and American democracy. As an immigrant from the Far East, Rolland is forever grateful to America or the freedoms and the many blessings of democracy; and he considers his forthcoming books as his modest offerings on the altar of American democracy.

Through his books and blog posts, Rolland seeks to raise questions to stimulate conversations about America’s public K–12 education system and the role it plays in sustaining the longest experiment in democracy the world has ever known.

Rolland B believes that American democracy is at the precipice and that K–12 education has a crucial role to play in rescuing democracy from the abyss.

Book cover with the title "Yes, You Matter... Your Purpose Awaits You!" by Rolland B. It features an American flag against a dramatic sky and questions about one's purpose.

Yes, You Matter … Your Purpose Awaits You!

Are you blooming where you are planted?
What gift were you born to give? What were you born to do? What is your purpose?
If you are a teenager or young adult, this book was written for you. If you are on a quest for life’s purpose, this book is a self-help guide outlining practical steps you can use to find and crystallize your life's true purpose, so you can bloom where you are planted, sooner rather than later!

Book cover with the title "Yes, You Matter... Your Purpose Awaits You!" by Rolland B. It features an American flag against a dramatic sky and questions about one's purpose.
Front and back cover view of the book "Revolt Against The K-12 Status Quo" by Rolland B, featuring American flags and a subtitle advocating for education reform.

Revolt Against the K-12 Status QUO

This book shines a spotlight on an open secret: the vast disparities among the 50 states in funding and spending on public K–12 education.
How is it, how was it, that in a country where the Fourteenth Amendment proclaims EQUAL PROTECTION under the law, we have condoned such long-running disparities... disparities that are unjust as they are inequitable?
The author contends that society’s inattentive embrace of these disparities must end. It’s time for a ‘revolt’ against the K–12 status quo. The sooner it happens, the better it will be for American democracy.

Front and back cover view of the book "Revolt Against The K-12 Status Quo" by Rolland B, featuring American flags and a subtitle advocating for education reform.
A book cover titled "School Boards & American Democracy" features the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. flag, and the Constitution's preamble. The background image on the right shows children in a classroom.

School Boards & American Democracy

This book shines a spotlight on the last outposts of local control: America’s school boards. In this book, the author points out that running for and serving on the school board could be the adventure of your lifetime, suggesting that school board service comes with an unparalleled psychic side benefit: satisfaction from knowing that – if you do your job well – your impact will affect eternity. At the end of your term, you could discover that your participation, though confined to the local level, will have effectively strengthened American democracy.

A book cover titled "School Boards & American Democracy" features the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. flag, and the Constitution's preamble. The background image on the right shows children in a classroom.
Front and back cover of the book "Poverty of the Mind" by Rolland B, featuring a mountain landscape and a headshot of the author on the back cover.

Poverty of the Mind In The Land Of The Free

This book is a rebuke, a reprimand, against the impoverished minds inhabiting the nation’s political landscape and putting American democracy on shaky grounds. The author argues that the antidote to this epidemic of impoverished minds is a renaissance in TRUTH education. It’ll take time. But, the author claims, it’s a sacred mission American society and the K-12 education system cannot afford not to begin.

Front and back cover of the book "Poverty of the Mind" by Rolland B, featuring a mountain landscape and a headshot of the author on the back cover.
A book titled "The Case for Values Education" with an American flag on the cover. Two hands hold a document labeled "We the People." The back cover displays text about the contents and the author.

The Case for Values Education

This book is a summons to action on the part of America’s school boards, a clarion call for a K–12 curriculum that has education at its base, education in CORE DEMOCRATIC VALUES. More than ever, the need for education in civics across America’s public schools has never been more critical for the fortification of American democracy.

A book titled "The Case for Values Education" with an American flag on the cover. Two hands hold a document labeled "We the People." The back cover displays text about the contents and the author.
Front and back covers of a book titled "Democracy Forever!" by Rolland B, featuring the Statue of Liberty and the American flag. The back cover includes a photo of the author and brief descriptions of the book and author.


The purpose of this book is to rekindle – if that’s even possible – Abraham Lincoln’s fervent hope for an everlasting democracy, which he expressed in his immortal Gettysburg Address.
This book outlines a layman’s prescription for what ails American democracy and calls on America’s school boards to re-examine their school districts’ respective Mission Statements … and resolve the all-important question, ‘What’s the purpose of education?’

Front and back covers of a book titled "Democracy Forever!" by Rolland B, featuring the Statue of Liberty and the American flag. The back cover includes a photo of the author and brief descriptions of the book and author.
A book cover titled "Educated Derelicts & Renegades" by Rolland B with photos of various people and flags in the background. Back cover includes the author's bio and a summary of the book.

Educated Derelicts & Renegades

This book is a common man’s indictment of the insurrectionists and their promoters for their unprecedented attack on the citadel of American democracy and their brazen attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.

A book cover titled "Educated Derelicts & Renegades" by Rolland B with photos of various people and flags in the background. Back cover includes the author's bio and a summary of the book.
Book cover showing two men shaking hands under the title "Shall the Dream Die? Never!" by Rolland B.

Shall The Dream Die? Never!

This book is a nostalgic look at the liberal causes championed by the late Sen. Edward ‘Ted’ Kennedy. A tribute to that rare public servant who was born into wealth but who devoted his life to one of exemplary public service to the nation, especially the less privileged and less fortunate masses.

Book cover showing two men shaking hands under the title "Shall the Dream Die? Never!" by Rolland B.

What I Do

A hexagonal icon with a black outline shows a document and pen nib, indicating writing or editing tools.


I am working on more than a few books on the twin topics of K–12 education and American democracy, planned for release in the future or sooner.

Icon of a person speaking at a podium with an audience in front, enclosed in a hexagon.

Public Speaking

I’m available to speak before gatherings of K–12 school board members, school board trustees, superintendents, and other administrators and influencers.

Icon of three people with speech bubbles above them inside a hexagon, representing communication or collaboration.


To serve the K–12 community, I am available to do short-term consulting engagements with local educational agencies (LEAs) – California LEAs only, for now. My consulting services exclusively for LEAs include: 

How can I help you?